What is Agua Vida Ayala Alabang Branch doing to keep safe during the pandemic?
We observe the following safety protocols at the station:
>All personnel undergo temperature checks multiple times a day.
>We provide all employees, delivery crew and store personnel with PPEs.
>Daily UV light disinfection.
>We house several personnel.
>We provide private shuttle service to several personnel.
>We provide all personnel with vitamin supplements.
>Only store personnel are allowed inside the premises. In observance of social distancing, all clients are required to wait outside the store. Our store attendant will collect your empty bottles and bring them out to the customer once refilled.
To keep customers and our delivery staff safe, we observe the following:
>Delivery staff are provided with face masks and face shields and are required to wear them at all times.
>Our crew are provided with an ample supply of alcohol to ensure they can sanitize their hands before and after each transaction.
>Since March 2020, we instituted a "No contact" delivery policy. Our delivery crew are instructed not to enter customer's residences and offices. Empty bottles are retrieved and filled bottles are delivered by the gate or front door of clients' houses, and delivery bay or lobby of buildings. We will not enter your houses and offices to eliminate / minimize contact with members of your household or staff.
>All our delivery vehicles are "Closed Vans" thereby limiting exposure while in transit.